Friday, July 21, 2017

How To Begin Your Fitness Journey

I remember when I first started going to the gym regularly and it was extremely intimidating. I had no idea how to do anything except high school workouts from track. I had no idea how to lift weights or anything. If your anything like me, you learn by doing and unless you have you’re own private gym you are most likely going to have to perform in front of others. I know how terrifying it can be to start your fitness journey when you feel like every one else are pros. Here, I put together six tips for starting your fitness journey so you can get your dream body. Enjoy! xoxo  

Tip 1: Set Goals- Map out all your expectations and what all of your goals are. It is more likely you will stay consistent in the gym if you are working towards a common goal or a set of goals than just doing whatever at the gym. Choose that goal and map your progress. Have a training plan that you follow every day at the gym and utilize time wisely.

Tip 2: Be Consistent- If you want to be serious about fitness you must prioritize it in your life. Whether it sis once a week or six times a week, you must make room for the proper workouts based on what you want your results to be. Results do not happen overnight so staying consistent in the gym is key.

Tip 3: Go With A Friend- When I first started my fitness journey I would go with friends. I also was friends with someone who worked at the gym I went to and they started training me every day and obviously knew a lot about fitness. I would recommend finding someone who enjoys and/or is very knowledgeable about fitness and workout with them. Eventually you will learn fitness and be confident enough to go to the gym and workout by yourself if you aren’t already, you can even consider a personal trainer if you have very specific goals.

Tip 4: Be Patient; Again, results do not happen overnight. They say it takes 4-8 weeks and up to 4-6 months to see results and that number depends on your body type. Therefore, if you do not see results right away do not get discouraged and give up. If you stick at it, I promise you the results will come. Fall in love with the journey.

Tip 5: Be Confident- The gym is one of the easiest paces to feel insecure about your body. But there is no need to because every single person there is working on hitting their goals also. You know what, they're probably proud of everyone else for working on theirs too. It is so important to avoid gymtimidation. I have had people who have stopped me and told me how to do something better, helped with form or  who have just given me tips while working out. So, even if you think you look (insert whatever insecurity you’re worried about here) at the gym, you could get great tips by looking that way. Besides, you have no time to worry about what everyone else is thinking because there is work to be done!

Tip 6: Be Safe- Educate yourself before diving right into working out. Study proper form for lifting. Start off simple and spice it up and you go. Do not try to “look cool’ or impress anyone. If you are unsafe and too eager to see results that you push yourself over YOUR personal limits then just know you will be even more set back in results if you get injured. Move at your own pace and not only will results show but you will be healthy along with them. 

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